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Our supporters have made our participation in the Outback Air Race possible.  Some have generously donated their locations for our fund raising, placed donation tins on their counter or donated goods and services to us.  


PLEASE thank them by considering using their services when you can (please tell them Turbo Safari sent you!!).



Team Turbo Safari

The Perth Observatory in Bickley allowed Team Turbo Safari to to hold two of our fund raising events at the observatory.  Their staff and volunteers made enormous contributions to the success of the evenings.  Click on their logo for details of their tours and information on the Observatory - One of Perth's great places to visit.

Glengarry Coffee House, Glengarry Shopping Centre Duncraig.   Josh and his team are long time supporters and have raised 100's of dollars for the RFDS through team Turbo Safari.  A great places for breakfast or lunch or just one of their fantastic quick coffees. Check them out on Facebook!!! 

Slate Cafe in Bennett Springs.  They have generously allowed us to take over their cafe for two fundraising nights.  A great place for breakfast through to lunch (your dog is also welcome!!).  Click on their logo for details of their menu and where they are.

Liz and her staff will give you and warm welcome at Little H on Marie Road in Duncraig.  Only open for just over a year  but despite that Liz and her staff have been eager to help team Turbo Safari.  A great place for breakfast, lunch of just one of their superb coffee's.  Click on the image for more details.

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